dog, puppy, anesthesia, surgery, during surgery, after care, vet, prescriptions, prevention, services, help, pharmacy, online, medications, bonsall pet hospital, vaccinations, rabies, hepatitis, parainfluenza, distemper, parvovirus, bordetella, shots

“Prevention is key.”

Prevention Services

Dog, Cat, BONSALL PET Hospital, Oceanside, California, Dermatology, Digital Radiology, Emergency, Vaccinations, Ultrasound, Lab, Prevention, Wellness, Senior, Dental Care, Nutrition, Online Pharmacy, Surgery, Internal Medicine, Allergies, Lab, Puppi…

Flea Prevention -

How can I prevent fleas?

At Bonsall Pet Hospital, we recommend that all dogs and cats be given a monthly flea preventive regardless of lifestyle. Not only are these year-round pests uncomfortable for your pet, fleas also carry diseases, such as tapeworms. There are many medications for the treatment and prevention of fleas. Some medications are in a combined form with the monthly heartworm medication. Not only is this convenient, but it reduces the cost of two medications.


Heartworm Prevention -

How many months should my pet be on heartworm prevention medication?

Transmitted by infected mosquitoes, if left untreated, heartworm disease can be fatal. In accordance with the guidelines of the American Heartworm Society, we recommend all dogs and cats be given year-round (12 month) heartworm prevention, which is administered once a month either by pill or by topical application. Depending on the specific product used, heartworm prevention medication can prevent other parasite infestations including internal parasites (worms) and external parasites (fleas and ticks).

Why does my dog need a blood test before purchasing heartworm prevention?

Dogs could get sick (vomiting, diarrhea, and/or death) if placed on heartworm prevention when they have heartworm disease. Even if they have been on heartworm prevention year-round there is always the possibility that the product may have failed for various reasons (your pet spit out the pill, did not absorb the pill appropriately, topical medicine was not applied properly, forgot to administer medication on time, etc.). The earlier we can treat your pet for heartworm disease the better the prognosis. When starting heartworm prevention, it is important that you perform an initial heartworm test.

My pet never goes outside so does it really need heartworm prevention?

Yes. Heartworm disease is transmitted through the bite of a mosquito and all mosquitoes can get into houses.